sly and robbie reggae
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Legendary Jamaican rhythm duo Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are the incomparable architects of modern Jamaican reggae. Known as the “Riddim Twins,” they’ve left their mark on over 200,000 reggae tracks.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, their music ruled the reggae world. Their music, from deep basslines to captivating drum grooves, defined a new era. A lot of this happened at the famous Channel One studio.

Key Takeaways

  • Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are widely regarded as the architects of modern Jamaican reggae music.
  • As the “Riddim Twins”, they have played on or produced over 200,000 recordings, dominating the reggae scene in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  • Their innovative basslines and drum grooves, as well as their work at the iconic Channel One studio, have had a profound impact on the evolution of reggae.
  • They have shaped the sound of reggae in the post-Bob Marley era, cementing their status as legends of Jamaican music.
  • Their influence extends beyond Jamaica, with collaborations with international artists such as Bob Dylan, Grace Jones, and The Rolling Stones.

Iconic Jamaican Rhythm Duo

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are known as the “Riddim Twins”. They are a top rhythm team in reggae history. They have worked on over 200,000 songs or albums in their remarkable careers.

As top session musicians, their basslines and drum beats are in many reggae and dancehall hits. This makes them legends in Jamaican music.

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare

The legendary Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are two of Jamaica’s biggest Jamaican Musicians. They are famous as the “Riddim Twins”. Their new ideas for the rhythm section have changed dub and reggae music.

Riddim Twins

As the riddim twins, Sly and Robbie are key in the reggae scene. They lay the foundation for numerous songs. No wonder they are called the “drum and bass legends”.

Prolific Session Musicians

Sly and Robbie are well-respected as prolific session musicians. They’ve helped create a lot of reggae, dub, and dancehall music. This places them as giants in Jamaican music.

sly and robbie reggae

Pioneering the Channel One Sound

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare were key in creating the famous

Channel One sound

in the late 70s and early 80s, making their mark on


. They worked in the Channel One studio in Kingston, Jamaica. Their beats and style influenced the growing


music scene back then.



Dominating Reggae in the Late 70s and Early 80s

As jamian musicians and part of the top reggae rhythm group, their basslines and drum styles were cutting-edge. This made a big impact on a lot of reggae and dub music of those times. They played a key role in creating the famous Channel One sound.

Collaborations with Peter Tosh and Black Uhuru

Working with stars like Peter Tosh and Black Uhuru showed Sly and Robbie’s talent. Their work not only shaped the sound but also made it stand out. This solidified them as the top reggae rhythm team of their time.


Shaping the Post-Bob Marley Era

After Bob Marley’s death, Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare became key figures in the post-Bob Marley reggae scene. They changed reggae by bringing in new rhythms, production methods, and working closely with young Jamaican musicians.

Known for creating the unique channel one sound, Sly and Robbie made a big impact on Jamaican music. They led reggae into a new direction, inspiring others. Their innovative beats laid the groundwork for the future of the genre.


By teaming up with new talents and their own unique work, Sly and Robbie defined the post-Bob Marley reggae style. They introduced complex rhythms, deep bass lines, and fresh sounds. Their music had a lasting effect, setting trends for years in the future.

Influence on International Artists

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare, from Jamaica, influenced music worldwide. They are famous for their rhythm section work and production. Many international artists worked with them, like Bob Dylan, Grace Jones, and The Rolling Stones. They added their unique sound and skills to songs, making them global hits.

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan worked with Sly and Robbie to add a new sound to his music. Sly and Robbie, from Jamaica and known for dub music, combined their style with Dylan’s songs. This mix of genres was new and exciting, showing their musical talent.

Grace Jones

Grace Jones teamed up with Sly and Robbie to create her iconic music. Their work as dub pioneers was key. They used their skills in rhythm and production to shape Grace Jones’ unique and celebrated style in the world of music.

The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones also worked with Sly and Robbie to add a different vibe to their music. This partnership showed how far and wide Sly and Robbie’s influence stretches. With their Jamaican and reggae background, they changed the famous band’s sound.

international artists

TAXI Productions and Label

In 1979, Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare started TAXI. They were well-known Jamaican musicians and the heart of reggae rhythm. This move let them try new things in music and influence Jamaican tunes greatly.

Freedom to Experiment

With TAXI, Sly and Robbie could be bold and try new ideas without limits. This chance to experiment showed their broad skills. They could smoothly switch from one music style to another, changing how people saw reggae.

Diverse Catalogue

Since its start, TAXI has filled its shelves with all kinds of music, showing off the best of Jamaican musicians. They ranged from strong reggae songs to fresh dub sounds. Their releases have made them known as leaders in taxi productions and taxi label, setting new standards in music creation.


Innovative Basslines and Drum Grooves

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are well known for their unique rhythms. They are the heart of many reggae, dub, and dancehall songs. Their special basslines and drum grooves make them the leaders in their music scene.

Signature Sound

Their music has shaped reggae in a big way. They’ve inspired many musicians and producers over the years. Thanks to their creativity and teamwork, they’ve set a lasting example for others to follow.

Groove Masters

Sly and Robbie are masters at creating catchy beats and deep rhythms. Their work is iconic in the reggae rhythm section. They’ve truly made their mark in music history, influencing the genre for many years.

Live Performances and Tours

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are known for their amazing studio work. They are also famous for their energetic live shows. With The Taxi Gang at their side, they tour the world. They have wowed audiences at big reggae festivals. They prove they are among the best in the live reggae rhythm section.

Sly and Robbie and The Taxi Gang

The Taxi Gang is on fire, with Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare leading. This group has become a top act in the reggae and dub scene. Their vibrant shows have made them famous for their incredible music and groove.

Reggae Festivals

Sly and Robbie are stars at the world’s best reggae festivals. From the Reggae Sumfest in Jamaica to Spain’s Rototom Sunsplash, they shine. Their shows are full of life. They always impress, proving themselves as dub pioneers and reggae legends.

Legacy and Impact

Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare are legends in Jamaican reggae music. They are known as the Architects of Modern Jamaican Reggae. Their unique rhythms, production skills, and partnerships have deeply influenced the genre. They have guided countless musicians and artists with their innovative work.

Architects of Modern Jamaican Reggae

Sly and Robbie are famous for their rhythm work. They are the Architects of Modern Jamaican Reggae. Their basslines and drum beats are key in reggae, dub, and dancehall music, showing their skill in reggae rhythm section and dub pioneers.

Inspirations for Generations

Sly and Robbie’s impact goes far beyond their own success. They have inspired generations with their rhythms and production. Many Jamaican musicians and artists keep pushing reggae’s limits because of them. They are true inspirations for generations in Jamaican music.

Collaborations and Productions

Throughout their amazing careers,

Sly Dunbar


Robbie Shakespeare

worked with many artists. They include legends within the


scene and more. They teamed up with Jamaican greats like

Horace Andy

. They also made music with stars like

Bitty McLean


Sinead O’Connor

. Their work goes beyond Jamaican music, showing their innovation and teamwork.

Horace Andy

They showed their talents by working with veteran Jamaican singer Horace Andy. Their songs like “Money Money” and “In The Light” mix reggae, dub, and soulful Jamaican vocals. Their teamwork creates unforgettable reggae hits.

Bitty McLean

Sly and Robbie also worked with reggae singer Bitty McLean from Britain. With songs like “It Keeps Rainin'” and “Sharing the Night Together”, they reached a global audience. Their music proves they are skilled collaborators in the dub world.

Sinead O’Connor

Their work with Irish musician Sinead O’Connor was a hit. Albums like “Universal Mother” mixed reggae, pop, and strong vocals. This shows their wide influence in music.


Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare have changed Jamaican reggae music forever. They’re known as the “Riddim Twins” and the “Architects of Modern Jamaican Reggae.” Their basslines, drum beats, and work in the studio have defined the sound of reggae for many years. By working with artists from Jamaica and around the world, and by starting the TAXI label, they have made a lasting impact on the reggae scene. They have inspired lots of musicians and are seen as legends of Jamaican music.

The Jamaican musicians, reggae rhythm section, and dub pioneers have been key in shaping reggae after Bob Marley. Their new rhythms and production techniques laid the groundwork for many hits. Their influence has reached beyond Jamaica, with many international artists looking to capture the Jamaican music spirit in their songs.

The work of Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare is hugely important. They’ve inspired many musicians, producers, and artists. Their impact on modern Jamaican reggae is immense. Their place as leading figures in the genre is secured for many years to come.

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